Interesting Argument About Global Warming

I like the simplicity of this argument. The choice is yours. Please let me know what you think. – Watch more free

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Fuel economy standards to rise for 2015

Happy 犀利士 Earth Day! Click on the title for the story.

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Sarah Chayes: Hope is irrelevant. It’s determination that counts.

I recently saw on PBS this wonderfully enlightening Bill Moyers interview about Afghanistan with Sarah Chayes, former New York Times correspondent.

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Bradley’s Open Notebook Science: Must-Read for Science Librarians

Chemists Without Border’s Jean-Claude Bradley recently did a presentation for my class at UBC on Open Notebook Science that has been called a

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OA Week to celebrate US National Institutes of Health new OA mandate policy

Researchers are celebrating OA Week, in honour of the US National Institutes of Health new policy requiring open access to the results of NIH-funded

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European Universities Association (EUA) urges universities to develop clear strategies to advance open access

The European Universities Association (EUA), at their spring meeting in Barcelona, unanimously endorsed a recommendation to develop and support open

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Online NewsHour: Report | Climate Change Worries Bangladesh | March 28, 2008 | PBS

Online NewsHour: Report | Climate Change Worries Bangladesh| March 28, 2008 | PBS You can view the video (recommended), hear the audio and read the

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Online NewsHour: Report | Fighting TB in Bangladesh | March 27, 2008 | PBS

Online NewsHour: Report | Fighting TB in Bangladesh | March 27, 2008 | PBS A success story about fighting tuberculosis in Bangladesh! I recommend

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CARB lowers standards

CA Air Resources Board caves to auto industry pressure yet again (click on the post title for the link). If I remember correctly, the National

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Author’s Rights 2-minute video

The 2-minute Author’s Rights Video by the Association of Research Libraries explains clearly and succinctly what scholars can do to make sure

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Tap water better than bottled water?

Ever been to Hetch Hetchy? “Earlier this month, the American Waterworks Association Research Foundation tested 20 of the nation’s water

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Ride a bike vs…?

This is just a sad story all around. I feel for the Deputy and the cyclists:

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