Month: November 2008

EPA Denies Appeal for New Coal-Fired Power Plant

My favorite quote: The 69-page decision described the Bush administration’s arguments as “weak,” “questionable,” “not sustainable,” and “not sufficient,” and rebuked EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson for failing to issue CO2 regulations, repeatedly recommending an “action of nationwide scope.” Click on the title for the link. Elmo

Social Values and Shopping Merge Through ‘World of Good’

Keep thinking about ways to help people economically. It’s not just about chemistry. At the same time, when you watch this, consider ways in which chemistry is involved in what people like this are doing. Often, people are completely unaware of the occupational and environmental risks of their activities. November 6, 2008 | Transcript: The …

Social Values and Shopping Merge Through ‘World of Good’ Read More »

Once again, Muhammad Yunus impresses

On October 27, Muhammad Yunus and Michael Milken were interviewed by Charlie Rose on PBS. Very impressive. They are implementing in the United States the micro-financing model for which Muhammad Yunus so deservedly received the Nobel Prize in 2006. Microloans in the United States are naturally of a different scale from those in developing countries, …

Once again, Muhammad Yunus impresses Read More »