I just finished watching “An Inconvenient Truth.” Does anyone know where to find the sawtooth graph about CO2 emissions?
The video of the earth from space was pretty amazing, too.
I just finished watching “An Inconvenient Truth.” Does anyone know where to find the sawtooth graph about CO2 emissions?
The video of the earth from space was pretty amazing, too.
I found a graph at the Marion Koshland Science Museum of the NAS http://koshlandscience.org/exhibitgcc/historical02.jsp. Look at the CO2 level on the very right of the graph!
It’s a great museum which I’ve seen in person. Climate change is one of their main topics.
I haven’t found the relevant graphs on the movie’s website.
I just noticed there are blow ups of the right side of the graph on other pages at the Koshland site, e.g., http://koshlandscience.org/exhibitgcc/historical03.jsp.