Heather’s new blog & Open Access Chemistry post

Heather has a new blog, the Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics, at http://poeticeconomics.blogspot.com/ Links to my posts relating to chemistry

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Nothing attracts drug companies like potentially large markets

A PEPTIDE SPECIALIST (subscribers only) MICHAEL MCCOY, C&EN NORTHEAST NEWS BUREAU Chemical & Engineering News, 83(29), July 18, 2005 Michael

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Collaborative Project Management

I propose that our next conference call include online project management, using two initially-free tools. My business group has recently switched to

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Engineers Without Borders

I spoke with Sam Burd (President, Medical and Biotech Developments, Inc.), who has been a member of the San Francisco chapter of Engineers Without

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Open access: a way to find local experts to collaborate on CWB projects?

Here is one which is which open access intersects with planning and funding of the kinds of projects I’m guessing Chemists Withoout Borders

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Win-Win Philanthropy and Funding Sources

Bego just sent me this link from C&E News(subscription only): Take a look, and let us know if you have any ideas for CWB funding sources. ELMO

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Open Access: Chemistry and the Public Interest

It is great to hear that there actually is a Chemists Without Borders group! Best of luck to all of you. Elmo has already mentioned my query to the

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Pesticide testing on humans

I just saw this. Pretty disturbing, if true.

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Grapefruit makes you smell younger

This is an interesting tidbit: NEW YORK (AP) — A study of smells shows that the scent of grapefruit on women make them seem younger to men —

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A recent email from Lynn Geldof, Regional Advisor of UNICEF: From Lynn Geldof, lgeldof@unicef.org, UNICEF, 5/18/05: Right, well to be honest, the NGO

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Googling: Others wondering about Chemists Without Borders

I just did a Google search for “Chemists Without Borders,” and, although we are not in the results yet (I just submitted both the CWB

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Senate climate change policy

Here’s an article in the Guardian about Senate proposals for energy policy and climate change. Here’s my question: Do you think “a

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