Winter is coming, or is it always cold in Russia?

Fire at the regional trade union council building in Odessa, Ukraine Photo: Barcroft Media In the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, tactics reminiscent

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Just So You Know

We are speaking at the 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition on August 10-14, 2014 in San Francisco, CA USA.  Chemists Without Borders

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Electricity from body heat

It amazes me how smart some people are.  At 15 I was just trying to learn to drive a car; Ann Makosinski from British Columbia invented a

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Forget the Cutting Edge – Embrace the Old-Tech Future

 By Josh Kearns Our society is pathologically enthralled with “the new.” As scientists and engineers, we’re inculcated starting from very

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Just So You Know

Recently Gabriela Solano and Alvin Menezes have joined our HR team. Initially, they will be staffing our internal positions and then positions within

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Water-Gen, an Israeli company, has developed a new Atmospheric Water-Generation Unit using its “GENius” heat exchanger to chill air and

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Doing Manual Labor for Sustainable Development Makes You Sexy

(or, A Hodge-Podge of Fact and Opinion) By Josh Kearns I’ve just returned from an arduous – but tremendously joyful – trip to a small village

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Another tool in the war against “superbugs”

Researchers have developed a new polymyxin-like lipopeptide to kill multidrug-resistant microbes (superbugs).  In the past, when facing bacteria

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I’ve Got a BEEF with Sustainability

By Josh Kearns I’ve had a lot of unpopular ideas. Maybe the all-time most unpopular, though, is this one: The relatively short trips made by

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Crowd Funded Low-Tech Cyanide Mitigation, Anyone?

By Josh Kearns Crowdsourcing is by now thoroughly established as an internet meme. How do I know this? Because I’m aware of it. Compared to

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(Bio-) Chemists Without Borders: Help Aqueous Solutions Hack Field E. coli Testing!

Biochemists and microbiologists: Aqueous Solutions has a mission for you. By Josh Kearns    I recently visited two village

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A Chemist’s Critique of Economics and “Sustainable Development”

Part I: Contemplation of the Energy Return on Investment (EROI) Author’s note        This post is a bit longer

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