EPA Set to Close Library Network and Electronic Catalog

From Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility BUSH AXING LIBRARIES WHILE PUSHING FOR MORE RESEARCH — EPA Set to Close Library Network and

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Billionnaires create research prizes to spur ingenuity

This is great! Here is my favorite excerpt: A second prize is aimed at kicking America’s self-proclaimed addiction to oil, by spurring research

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SF Bay diversity eroding

Asian clams wreak havoc on SF Bay ecosystem.

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More from Dave T and water supply in Africa

Dave: I was thinking that Chemists Without Borders could help with the decontamination aspect of the water that the Rotarians are supplying. The

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EPA and particulate regulation

I used to live in Riverside, CA, so I know how bad the smog can get. Here is the money quote: It was the first time since the committee was

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Letter from Dave T.

Here is a letter I received from Dave T, printed in its entirety: Last Fall I discovered Chemists Without Borders when I was preparing to accompany a

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NASA Director says 2005 warmest on record

James E. Hansen, who directs NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies, last week confirmed that 2005 was the warmest year on record,

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Here is an interesting article on eco-homes in Britain. Are there any innovations like this here in the US? It would be nice to have carbon-neutral

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UsefulChem project

I would like to thank Steve for inviting me to Chemists Without Borders. It is wonderful to see these bottom-up efforts towards open science come

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Arsenic remediation update

See some more info about arsenic at: usefulchem weblog Also, we are entering a hyacinth root based arsenic remediation proposal for the Grainger

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Global Warming and American lobbyists

I don’t really know what to make of this, but can I see a show of hands, please??: Are humans responsible for global warming or not? Your

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Toxic Pollution: our Right to Know

From OMB Watch EPA recently announced plans to dismantle the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), our nation’s premier tool for notifying the public out

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