Steve’s notes: Bego’s notes: Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 7-27-20061. Agenda1.1 Introductions1.2 Open Access1.3 Legal1.4
Chemists Without Borders has been asked to take a position on open source access. Please let us know your opinions on this in comments. Please sign
Here are the conference call notes from last Thursday:
Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 6-15-20061. Attendees1.1 Steve Chambreau1.2 Erin OrazemĀ» See also: : Education Project1.3 Bego Gerber1.4
I came across this very interesting site (Terrapass). It allows consumers to compensate for their automobiles’ CO2 emissions by paying for an
Chemists Without Borders is collaborating with AIDSfreeAfrica, a non profit organization focusing on “empowering people in Africa to produce
Here is the continuation of Heather’s bio from the June ’06 CWB newsletter: I encourage all Chemists Without Borders members (and,
A letter from the American Chemical Society (ACS) to the National Institute of Health on Pubchem has been obtained under the Freedom of Information
Solar-powered donkey libraries, an extension of the new Prince Rupert Library, are bringing books, literacy – and electronic gadgets, including
Environmental Research Letters is a new, open access journal from the Institute of Physics. ERL is the first open-access journal that will cover the
CWB members may be interested in my blogpost, Necessity is the mother of invention: open access, the developing world, and the cost-efficient
Many thanks to CWB members who have inquired about how to support the Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006. Here is an easy – and fun