Educational Gaming

Bego, Here is the information on the EduFrag project (using Unreal Tournament) you requested today at the conference call:WikiPaperBlog Here is an

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ExxonMobil’s inconvenient truth Posted on Sun, Dec. 03, 2006 ExxonMobil’s inconvenient truthBy Laurie

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Sorption of Contaminants onto Engineered Nanomaterials

Referred by Elisabeth Easley. New approach to arsenic removal using magnetite nanocrystals:

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Media and NOAA

Do media policies equal scientific facts?

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Nano-rust + magnets removes arsenic

Please see this article for a new approach to rusty nails removing arsenic from drinking water.

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Open Access Drug Resource: Forum in Buffalo Wed. Nov. 8th

Possibly of interest: Stewart M. Brouwer of Professional Notes mentions an upcoming Forum in Buffalo, Wednesday, November 8. I’m conducting a

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Water hyacinth project for arsenic remediation update

The arsenic remediation project using water hyacinth root has been OKd by the California Department of Waterways. Don Condley, the Supervisor at

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58 Open Access Chemistry Journals

As of today, the Directory of Open Access Journals lists 58 titles under Chemistry. The list of titles might be of interest to Chemists Without

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Negroponte meets Gadafy: All Libyan pupils to get laptop and web access

One Laptop Per Child Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | All Libyan pupils to get laptop and web

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Open Chemistry Position Statement

Chemists Without Borders Open Chemistry Position Statement Synopsis Within the vision of Chemists Without Borders, Open Access to the traditional

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