Petition for Public Access to Publicly Funded Research in the United States

The Alliance for Taxpayer Access has launched a Petition for Publicly Funded Research in the United States. Please sign! For more information, please

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Open Access, Open Source Speaker Series: Heather Joseph, Peter Suber, Jean-Claude Bradley

Please join Chemists Without Borders for a special series of teleconference meetings on Open Access and Open Source. For more background, please see

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Coal Power Plants

From an MSNBC article on coal fired power plants: Companies say the new coal plants are better than old ones, though both use the same approach:

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Non-Profit Pharmaceutical companies?

See the inspiring article about Dr. Victoria Hale.

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Biology Goes Open Source

Biology Goes Open SourceMatthew Herper and Robert LangrethForbes February 12, 2007 Excerpt:Some of the world’s biggest drug companies are

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$100 computer

Here is another approach to personal computing for those who cannot afford a PC.

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Hello from Sweden

1Posted by: “Nuria” 1 nuria_parera 2 Sat Feb 3, 2007 4:50 am (PST) HejMy name is Nuria Parera Pera, I just found

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EU Petition in Support of Guaranteed Access to Published Results of Research

Please sign the Petition in Support of Guaranteed Access to Published Results of Research This is an initiative to support a European Union policy

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Used equipment available

I have several older (10 years or so) probes for chemistry labs with software if anyone could use them. This is from LabWorks and may include a

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Opposition to Open Access: alert to misinformation

Here is an excerpt from last week’s Nature, Jim Giles’ article PR’s ‘pit bull’ takes on open access, courtesy of Open

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