Donning his white coat, this doctor dances for dollars

Donning his white coat, this doctor dances for dollars Check out this great video. There’s more to this doctor than simply medicine. Similarly,

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Achievements of Chemists Without Borders Bangladesh Arsenic Education Project

Since September 2014, I have been managing the Chemists Without Borders team in Bangladesh.  We started with a team of part time interns, all

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One person’s half used bar of hotel soap could be another person’s best chance to survive?

On my list of things I could donate that I would consider life saving, I would put blood, organs, bone marrow, even clean water.  Half used bars

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Mussels make superglue?

Nature is so amazing. I heard about this topic on the radio last week and was curious to learn more about it. Even with all the technological

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Support Bangladesh Arsenic Education Project on IndieGoGo

Dear friends of Chemists Without Borders, I am pleased to announce the kickoff of our campaign on IndieGoGo aimed at educating high school students

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Functional Stupidity in Academia Blocks Meaningful Efforts to Pursue Sustainability

by Josh Kearns *     *     * Hi – Your erstwhile correspondent Josh Kearns here! As a Chemist Without Borders doing work of

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Cell phones really are becoming the all-in-one device

George M. Whitesides of Harvard University and coworkers have invented uMed, an electrochemical detector that uses the voice channel of a cell phone

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“Smart lens” technology

     I have a pretty strong corrective lens prescription.  I have astigmatism in my left eye which is not corrected very

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REMINDER – IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 9am PST August 7, 2014

IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 9am PST August 7, 2014 Chemists Without Borders – IdeaConnection Projects Conference Call Agenda Dates:

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Business, Bees, and Nicotine

Since 1945, the use of pesticides has risen 3,300 percent, however crop loss due to pests has not decreased. Despite the fact that USA

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IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 6pm PST July 17, 2014

Chemists Without Borders – IdeaConnection Projects Conference Call Agenda Dates: July 17 6pm PST and ALSO on Aug 7th 2014 9am PST Project

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Can biomass char remove toxic synthetic chemicals from drinking water?

Earlier this morning, Aqueous Solutions launched a science crowd-funding campaign through! We’re raising money to purchase

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