Making “Low-Tech” Biochar Adsorbent For Decentralized Water Treatment

 By Josh Kearns Readers of this blog probably don’t have to be told that the proliferation of synthetic chemicals over the past century has

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Ler Per Her Water Treatment Workshop

by Josh Kearns For this, my second post on the Chemists Without Borders blog, I had prepared a more “academic-sounding” post about Making

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Just So You Know

See the latest piece about Chemists Without Borders in Chemistry World, a news magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry –

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Chemistry Notes From the Field: A New Blog!

Hi! My name is Josh Kearns, and I am excited to be a guest blogger for Chemists Without Borders! I am a chemist by training – I hold a BS in

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Just So You Know

Want to give back? See our NEW volunteer opportunities. Want to enhance your resume? Learn or augment a skill by volunteering with Chemists Without

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This is so cool!

A group of researchers has found a way to utilize mainstream technology to analyze a public health concern.  They are using a Smartphone camera

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Just So You Know

Over the last two years, I realized that our most successful endeavors are the ones that are essential, in some way, to the members involved in a

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A fun fundraising activity

I read about this in a recent American Chemical Society (ACS) newsletter. It is a neat idea that Chemists Without Borders might be inspired by

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Just So You Know

My words “We can value our membership even more” got me into the position that I am in today. As the new Vice President of Chemists

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Arsenic Crisis Newsletter & Discussion Group

Our friend recommends this Arsenic Crisis Newsletter & Discussion. He said of it, “… this site has a boatload of contributions, I think

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From Belgium via US to Cameroon

Denis (right) with teachers in computer room. Chemists Without Borders president Bego Gerber believes that “The Power is in the Network”.  A

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Cadmium contaminated rice

As some of you may have heard last month, Cadmium was found to have contaminated rice in China. There was an interesting article about it in the

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