Growing corn for ethanol

Perhaps the real problem with producing ethanol from grains- it makes food too expensive for poor people: Sheeran (UN) noted that in some countries

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EPA and ozone

Line of the day: When the OMB’s Susan E. Dudley urged the EPA to consider the effects of cutting ozone further on “economic values and on

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Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) to contribute to Wikipedia

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society, has announced that they will contribute to Wikipedia! CAS, a division

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CA Salmon = 12% of average

As water gets more and more scarce in CA, the price of salmon is going to go up. (click on the headline for the article).

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Open Access Advances

The February 18, 2008, issue of C&EN reports that Harvard University’s arts and sciences faculty members now back the open-access movement

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Mission Accomplished

Returning to the US is always like diving in from outer space. It does not seem real.This years trip to Cameroon was a difficult one. On arrival two

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Unanimous OA Recommendations from the European University Association

The 791 universities from 46 countries of the European University Association have unanimously endorsed some very strong OA recommendations, which

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Two major open access announcements this week

Some major events in open access this week: The final text of the NIH policy has been

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Social Innovation Conversations: Heather McLeod Grant

What makes nonprofits great? Listen to this excellent podcast of Ms Grant summarizing her and Leslie Crutchfield’s new book, Forces for Good:

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Bangladesh on “energy for a developing world” episode 2 (PBS)

Excellent program on the impact of a few dollars’ investment on quality of life, environment and economics in Bangladesh. Don’t miss it.

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Nobelist Muhammad Yunus on Charlie Rose

Watch this January 10, 2008 video of A conversation with Nobel Peace Prize Winner Muhammed Yunus on Charlie Rose. Excellent discussion of principles

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Happy New Year! Thank you to our generous donors

Happy New Year and Peace on Earth!I want to take this opportunity and thank our donors. You are too many to all be listed individually but a few I

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