China the new GM?!

So now that Detroit is tanking, China hopes to pick up the reins and produce electric cars… (click the title to link to the NY Times story).

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Shame on Eastman Chemical – redux

I posted an item here on January 13, 2009, criticizing Eastman Chemical, and I also sent a similar letter to Rudy Baum, the editor of Chemical &

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New YouTube Channel, just for higher ed videos! Thanks, You Tube – Chronicle of Higher Education – and Open Access News. Lots of science

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How dirty is your power plant?

Here is an interesting link to a site that gauges CO2 output from coal power plants: Apparently, there will be a large demonstration

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YouTube Technical Lectures from India’s National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

Free lectures from the Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalor. Along with expanding technology, this approach can

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Desalination Update

Here is an article from Food and Water Watch (click the title for the link). I would add that I can live without a car or the internet, but we cannot

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Chemistry Blog � Blog Archive � Chemistry Dictionary for Word Processors – Version 2.0 (Updated)

The new, open source, Chemistry Dictionary for Word Processors – Version 2.0 (Updated) is now available. It is a free download. This dictionary

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Desalination in California??!

Here is a good quote from the article today in the SF Chronicle: “We need to change how we relate to water and not just dip straws into

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Non Profits Hit Hard by Recession

It seems even the Red Cross is having a hard time during these tough financial times. Click on the title for the full story. The sad part is that

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Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline pledges cheap medicine for world’s poor

Kudos to drug giant GlaxoSmithKline and new leader Andrew Witty for a radical change in strategy towards cheap medicine for the world’s poor.

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There’s a latte more to it than meets the eye

Click the title and be surprised. You’ve got the whole world in your

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