Nothing attracts drug companies like potentially large markets

A PEPTIDE SPECIALIST (subscribers only)
Chemical & Engineering News, 83(29), July 18, 2005

Michael McCoy opens the last section of his article with: “Nothing attracts drug companies like potentially large markets.” Perhaps one of our strategies might be to show vaccine manufacturers how big a market we can offer them. What if we can get the professionals to do what they already to best?

From Medicine To Megatrends (subscribers only)
Chemical & Engineering News, 83(29), July 18, 2005

Another article in the same issue of C&EN talks about Dutch company VNU, which owns AC-Nielson, acquiring IMS Health, the leading market intelligence company in health care and pharmaceuticals. What if we could recruit such companies pro bono to assess the market for the vaccines we wish to promulgate, and to create a plan which would attract the pharmaceutical companies mentioned above?

4 thoughts on “Nothing attracts drug companies like potentially large markets”

  1. Hi Bego.

    Sounds potentially very interesting. I have yet to read the articles, but look forward to reading.

    I think when we have 501(c)(3) status, the meaning of pro bono will change, namely that these companies may be able to contribute and get a tax break for doing so- another incentive for them to want to work with us. I am working hard to get the articles of incorporation ready. I would like to post on the wiki so we can get as much input as possible.

    The C&E News articles you link to here may be subscription only…. so although I can read, I am going through a Wayne State portal. Can you click on them and get through without logging into C&E News?? If not, you may want to indicate next to the link that it is “Subscription Only.”

    For good basic help with the blog, see these links:

    the best page for putting links in the blog is:

    I like the ability to have a link open in a new webpage.

    Ok, I will read these articles and post a comment about them later.


  2. OK, I just read “From Medicine to Megatrends.” VNU seems to have lots of subsidiaries. The thing that caught my eye was that they publish ‘Billboard’ and ‘Hollywood Reporter’ magazines, as well as trade shows and conferences. How would we approach VNU CEO Rob van den Bergh and other execs to convince them to help us??! They sell their info, but again, we should push the philanthropic and non-profit benefits they would get (which I hope to have secured soon with the 501(c)(3)). Also, they are publishers, which might be helpful in spreading the word about CWB, no??!

    By the way, I just got a package in the mail from my friend who has started her own non-profit. I may post on the blog in the next few days to get feedback.

    Also, I was thinking of trying to embed the wiki in the blog, or something like that… I have read some of the technical stuff there, and have to mess around a little to see how it works.

    I plan on reading ‘A Peptide Specialist’ on Tuesday and will post my comments on that soon.


  3. Bego-

    A few comments here…. Since this is a peptide article, I read for the bigger picture. The things which stand out, apart from the “Nothing attracts drug companies like potentially large markets” quote, are 1) Lack of pharm. interest due to necessity of injection of the theraputic (which has been somewhat countered by other means of delivery), and 2) what are cGMP, or “current good manufacturing practices?” From item 1, remind me how the carbo vaccines are administered to be the most effective? I would think that carbohydrates would be easier to ingest and absorb than peptides, but I am not an expert. Item 2 addresses the quality of the product, but this still reminds me of the FDA approval issue.


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