
Sarah Chayes: Hope is irrelevant. It’s determination that counts.

I recently saw on PBS this wonderfully enlightening Bill Moyers interview about Afghanistan with Sarah Chayes, former New York Times correspondent. At the end of the conversation, they have the following dialogue: BILL MOYERS: There’s a thin line. As I listen to you, there’s a thin line we sometimes walk, we human beings, between hope …

Sarah Chayes: Hope is irrelevant. It’s determination that counts. Read More »

Bradley’s Open Notebook Science: Must-Read for Science Librarians

Chemists Without Border’s Jean-Claude Bradley recently did a presentation for my class at UBC on Open Notebook Science that has been called a must-read for science librarians. Chemists are sharing information openly, from every step of an experiment to sharing molecules on Chemspider. This can advance our knowledge much more rapidly, for example in Malaria …

Bradley’s Open Notebook Science: Must-Read for Science Librarians Read More »

OA Week to celebrate US National Institutes of Health new OA mandate policy

Researchers are celebrating OA Week, in honour of the US National Institutes of Health new policy requiring open access to the results of NIH-funded research, which took effect today! For details on how to join in the festivities – and support the NIH in this important move which certainly takes us beyond borders – see …

OA Week to celebrate US National Institutes of Health new OA mandate policy Read More »

European Universities Association (EUA) urges universities to develop clear strategies to advance open access

The European Universities Association (EUA), at their spring meeting in Barcelona, unanimously endorsed a recommendation to develop and support open access at every university in Europe. Details of the recommendation have been posted in the EUA Newsletter. Details of the policy and my comments can be found on The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics. Thanks …

European Universities Association (EUA) urges universities to develop clear strategies to advance open access Read More »

Online NewsHour: Report | Climate Change Worries Bangladesh | March 28, 2008 | PBS

Online NewsHour: Report | Climate Change Worries Bangladesh| March 28, 2008 | PBS You can view the video (recommended), hear the audio and read the transcript. This is an excellent report on the flooding of Bangladesh and the impact of even a modest rise in sea level of just a few feet, a process which …

Online NewsHour: Report | Climate Change Worries Bangladesh | March 28, 2008 | PBS Read More »

Online NewsHour: Report | Fighting TB in Bangladesh | March 27, 2008 | PBS

Online NewsHour: Report | Fighting TB in Bangladesh | March 27, 2008 | PBS A success story about fighting tuberculosis in Bangladesh! I recommend watching the video on this page. There is also an audio link and transcript. One of the things that struck me about his was that this is not really an issue …

Online NewsHour: Report | Fighting TB in Bangladesh | March 27, 2008 | PBS Read More »

Author’s Rights 2-minute video

The 2-minute Author’s Rights Video by the Association of Research Libraries explains clearly and succinctly what scholars can do to make sure they retain the rights to use and share our work in the ways we would like to – including making them open access and so freely available to colleagues in the developing world.