
Chemical Blogspace

CWB open source chemistry folks will like Chemical Blogspace. Description:Chemical blogspace collates posts from chemistry blogs and then does useful and interesting things with that data. For example, you can see which papers are currently being discussed by organic chemists, or which web pages are being linked to by chemoinformaticians. It’s sort of like a …

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PLoS One: good news for chemists who depend on research funding

From Open Access News: PLoS One is Making a Splash. PLoS ONE has had more submissions (70) in its first three weeks than any other PLoS journal in the same period. PS: Congrats to PLoS and congrats to authors for seeing the value here and supporting something new. Heather’s Comment: PLoS, the Public Library of …

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Chemistry Central: new open access website

BioMedCentral (BMC), the world’s largest open access publisher – today launched Chemistry Central, a new open access website currently featuring chemistry article from BMC journals, with plans to offer new open access chemistry journals, beginning with Chemistry Central Journal. For CWB members from the research community, this is a wonderful opportunity to publish open access …

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Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 8-17-2006 notes

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 8-17-2006 1. Agenda1.1 Introductions1.2 Open Access1.3 Legal1.4 Funding1.5 Education1.6 Conference Presentations1.7 Arsenic Project1.8 Communications1.9 Vaccines & Medicines1.10 Personnel & Roles1.11 Unfinished Business1.12 Feedback2. Introductions2.1 Steve Chambreau2.2 William Doria2.3 Bego Gerber2.4 Rolande Hodel – in absentiaSteve, Bego, amazing confference… Jonson&Jonson just blew my mind – in a positive way – I’ll …

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Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 7-27-2006

Steve’s notes: Bego’s notes: Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 7-27-20061. Agenda1.1 Introductions1.2 Open Access1.3 Legal1.4 Funding1.5 Education1.6 Conference Presentations1.7 Arsenic Project1.8 Communications1.9 Vaccines & Medicines1.10 Unfinished Business1.11 Feedback2. Introductions2.1 Steve Chambreau» See also: : Conference Presentations» See also: : Legal issues2.2 Bego Gerber» See also: : Funding2.3 Rolande Hodel» See also: : Vaccines & Medicines» …

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