
REMINDER – IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 9am PST August 7, 2014

IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 9am PST August 7, 2014 Chemists Without Borders – IdeaConnection Projects Conference Call Agenda Dates: Aug 7th 2014 9am PST LISTEN — IdeaConnection QA Conf Call July 17 2014 6pm.WMA Project Overview in Google Docs: CWB IdeaConnection Solutions   Join a Team:   1) ACTIVE     8504 Cottage Industry Arsenic Removal (filter)  …

REMINDER – IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 9am PST August 7, 2014 Read More »

Business, Bees, and Nicotine

Since 1945, the use of pesticides has risen 3,300 percent, however crop loss due to pests has not decreased. Despite the fact that USA (on average) uses 2.2 billion pounds of pesticides annually, crop loss has increased by 20 percent. To make matters worse these statistics were taken a decade ago, and if you remember anything from your high …

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IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 6pm PST July 17, 2014

Chemists Without Borders – IdeaConnection Projects Conference Call Agenda Dates: July 17 6pm PST and ALSO on Aug 7th 2014 9am PST Project Overview in Google Docs: CWB IdeaConnection Solutions   Join a Team:   1) ACTIVE     8504 Cottage Industry Arsenic Removal (filter)  Sign Up for 8504 2) ACTIVE     8500 Arsenic Penny per Test  Sign …

IdeaConnection Projects Q&A call: 6pm PST July 17, 2014 Read More »

Can biomass char remove toxic synthetic chemicals from drinking water?

Earlier this morning, Aqueous Solutions launched a science crowd-funding campaign through! We’re raising money to purchase laboratory supplies, reagents, etc., for a series of micro-column tests in the lab that will determine the capacity of locally generated biochar for removal of toxic pesticides and pharmaceutical residues from drinking water sources. Check out our project …

Can biomass char remove toxic synthetic chemicals from drinking water? Read More »

Winter is coming, or is it always cold in Russia?

Fire at the regional trade union council building in Odessa, Ukraine Photo: Barcroft Media In the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, tactics reminiscent of the Cold War began emerging—ones that trace back to the KGB laboratories half a century ago. From guns that spray hydrogen cyanide to assassination attempts with “Agent Orange,” it seems that …

Winter is coming, or is it always cold in Russia? Read More »

Just So You Know

We are speaking at the 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition on August 10-14, 2014 in San Francisco, CA USA.  Chemists Without Borders – Bego Gerber, our  Chairman and Co-Founder, is presenting our ongoing humanitarian work on Sunday afternoon August 10th and Steve Chambreau, our Co-Founder, President and Director, is also presenting at 8am on …

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Forget the Cutting Edge – Embrace the Old-Tech Future

 By Josh Kearns Our society is pathologically enthralled with “the new.” As scientists and engineers, we’re inculcated starting from very early in our training to seek “the cutting edge” of technological development and innovation. But if we want the results of our research efforts to stand the best chance of making a beneficial impact in …

Forget the Cutting Edge – Embrace the Old-Tech Future Read More »

Just So You Know

Recently Gabriela Solano and Alvin Menezes have joined our HR team. Initially, they will be staffing our internal positions and then positions within our upcoming projects.  Those of you whom returned a Chemists Without Borders Application form will be contacted. Your chemistry and ancillary skills are vital as we fortify our organization. If you want …

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Water-Gen, an Israeli company, has developed a new Atmospheric Water-Generation Unit using its “GENius” heat exchanger to chill air and condense water vapor. The clean air enters their GENius heat exchanger system where it is dehumidified, removing the water from the air and directing it to a collection tank inside the unit. The water is …

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