Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 5-18-2006
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Here are Bego’s notes from the most recent conference call: I will add my notes when I have a minute. ELMO
Here are my notes from the March 16th Chemists Without Borders conference call, and Bego’s mindmap (Below are Bego’s previous MindMaps- larger sizes from 01/06 and 02/06):
Bego pointed this letter out. We have a conference call with Rolande today to explore the possibilities of collaborations with CWB! ELMO
Heather has a new blog, the Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics, at Links to my posts relating to chemistry and open access are gathered in this post This includes: why OA to chemistry information is both the public and corporate interests The Imaginary Journal of High End Chemistry (more about publishing than chemistry, …
I propose that our next conference call include online project management, using two initially-free tools. My business group has recently switched to using GoToMeeting for online presentations. I have been using Project KickStart since the old DOS days. It’s a great tool for creating an initial draft of a project. During the conference call, we …