
Water hyacinth project for arsenic remediation update

The arsenic remediation project using water hyacinth root has been OKd by the California Department of Waterways. Don Condley, the Supervisor at California Department of Waterways, said wecould come out and work with their people to obtain hyacinth root They will be harvesting between November and March. Chemists Without Borders had planned to do this …

Water hyacinth project for arsenic remediation update Read More »

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 8-17-2006 notes

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 8-17-2006 1. Agenda1.1 Introductions1.2 Open Access1.3 Legal1.4 Funding1.5 Education1.6 Conference Presentations1.7 Arsenic Project1.8 Communications1.9 Vaccines & Medicines1.10 Personnel & Roles1.11 Unfinished Business1.12 Feedback2. Introductions2.1 Steve Chambreau2.2 William Doria2.3 Bego Gerber2.4 Rolande Hodel – in absentiaSteve, Bego, amazing confference… Jonson&Jonson just blew my mind – in a positive way – I’ll …

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 8-17-2006 notes Read More »

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 7-27-2006

Steve’s notes: Bego’s notes: Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 7-27-20061. Agenda1.1 Introductions1.2 Open Access1.3 Legal1.4 Funding1.5 Education1.6 Conference Presentations1.7 Arsenic Project1.8 Communications1.9 Vaccines & Medicines1.10 Unfinished Business1.11 Feedback2. Introductions2.1 Steve Chambreau» See also: : Conference Presentations» See also: : Legal issues2.2 Bego Gerber» See also: : Funding2.3 Rolande Hodel» See also: : Vaccines & Medicines» …

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 7-27-2006 Read More »

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 6-15-2006

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 6-15-20061. Attendees1.1 Steve Chambreau1.2 Erin Orazem» See also: : Education Project1.3 Bego Gerber1.4 Stacy Don» See also: : Trademarks2. Legal issues – Steve Chambreau & Stacy Don2.1 AIDSfreeAFRICA2.2 501(c)32.3 Trademarks2.3.1 Search2.3.2 Register words2.3.3 Register hexagon2.3.4 Doctors Without BordersŸ CharitableŸ EducationŸ Recruitment2.3.5 Registration fees2.3.6 Stacy will create list of categories3. Feedback3.1 …

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 6-15-2006 Read More »