
Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 8-17-2006 notes

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call, 8-17-2006 1. Agenda1.1 Introductions1.2 Open Access1.3 Legal1.4 Funding1.5 Education1.6 Conference Presentations1.7 Arsenic Project1.8 Communications1.9 Vaccines & Medicines1.10 Personnel & Roles1.11 Unfinished Business1.12 Feedback2. Introductions2.1 Steve Chambreau2.2 William Doria2.3 Bego Gerber2.4 Rolande Hodel – in absentiaSteve, Bego, amazing confference… Jonson&Jonson just blew my mind – in a positive way – I’ll …

Chemists Without Borders Conference Call 8-17-2006 notes Read More »

AIDSfreeAFRICA wish list

Chemists Without Borders is collaborating with AIDSfreeAfrica, a non profit organization focusing on “empowering people in Africa to produce their own essential drugs, diagnostics and diagnostic reagents, in short pharmaceuticals, by helping to build factories and a pharmaceutical infrastructure in Africa.” (Rolande Hodel) Please see the website for more info: If you know any …

AIDSfreeAFRICA wish list Read More »

Letter from Dave T.

Here is a letter I received from Dave T, printed in its entirety: Last Fall I discovered Chemists Without Borders when I was preparing to accompany a Rotary group to Ethiopia and Uganda. With the group scheduled to visit several potable water projects being developed by Rotary, I considered taking along water testing kits and …

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