
Muhammad Yunus at 2008 Tech Laureate Awards, Santa Clara University

Check out the Tech Laureate Awards: Innovators from all over the World using technology to make the World safer and healthier, more prosperous and just. Check these out. Imagine how different things could be if these innovations were replicated wherever they could have a positive impact.The keynote speaker at the event last November 13th was …

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Zann Gill on Evolution & Sustainability — “What Daedalus told Darwin”

Zann Gill‘s new book, “What Daedalus told Darwin, Darwin’s dilemma & designing intelligence” is expected to hit the bookstands in 2009. She lucidly explains the essential balance between competition and collaboration, which is not only theoretically fascinating but has huge practical implications. This important work addresses our very survival on the planet. Zann Gill’s thesis, …

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Happy Birthday, Robert Burns!

Twelve score years and ten today, January 25, 2009, the great Scottish bard and social commentator Robert Burns was born. I once asked the late David Faison what would the poet be if he lived today? “A rock star!” he replied. Few realize how much Burns’s sayings and quotations are part of daily use in …

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Dr. Rolande Hodel, AIDSfreeAFRICA founder (and Chemists Without Borders board member) wins 2009 Astellas award!

Congratulations, Rolande! Dr. Rolande Hodel has been selected to receive one of three American Chemical Society/Astellas USA Foundation awards for 2009. The Astellas USA Foundation Awards were established to identify individuals or teams who exemplify the criterion of having significantly contributed to scientific research that improved public health through their contributions in the chemical and …

Dr. Rolande Hodel, AIDSfreeAFRICA founder (and Chemists Without Borders board member) wins 2009 Astellas award! Read More »

A Remarkable Moment in History

While watching this momentous event, the first inauguration of an African-American, Senator Barack Obama, as President of the United States of America, I could not restrain my tears. I was reminded of a speech I read of Sir Winston Churchill‘s given on November 10, 1942, referring to the Battle of El Alamein between British and …

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School in India Teaches Women to Improve Lives, Towns

Image by Barefoot Photographers of Tilonia via Flickr The following is from the excellent PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and his team. Imagine the opportunities, not just for solar power as in Bunker Roy‘s school, but for Tech Laureate D. Vidya Sagar’s stoves that protect rural people from indoor smoke and the external environment from …

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Shame on Eastman Chemical

Chemical & Engineering News: Business Concentrates – Eastman Enters Korean Acetate Tow Fiber Venture According to C&EN (Jan. 5, 2009, p.13), “The acetate fiber is used to manufacture cigarette filters, a market with significant growth in Asia.” Shame on Eastman Chemical for promoting, expanding and profiting from the increasing ill-health of people around the world. …

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Ask your librarian to support Bioline International

Bioline International is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. Bioline International is currently seeking library memberships to sustain this key service, at a very affordable rate of $500 per year per library. This is much lower than the average cost to subscribe to …

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